What’s this space?

This website is my ship of Theseus, a playground to organize my work and philosophy, grow as a communicator and hopefully inspire others to do the same.

For music, video and social media accounts, find links at the bottom of this page, in the footer.

My CV can be found here.


Besides crafting this ship… I mean website, I research Enhancing Audio Description at the University of York and draft a funding application to help continue my work with biofeedback to support meditation practices. After three years of teaching the Navigating the Digital World module at the University of Essex, I am now a visiting fellow there.

Here’s a snippet from my research funding application draft:

The work aims to empower participants by enhancing their self-awareness through insights gained from altered states of consciousness (ASC), expressed artistically. Through a feedback loop where self-awareness amplifies artistic expression reciprocally, members will collaborate on developing personalized visual and auditory entrainment methods to induce and maintain ASC. We will use brain-computer interfaces to record data on the neural correlates of entrainment and ASC for real-time biofeedback and offline analysis. By recognizing our agency in addressing personal challenges, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, ultimately contributing to societal well-being through individual growth.
