What's this space?
I migrated two decades to England. I did not speak English well but gradually found better jobs while studying.
I am in my forties, have a PhD, interdisciplinary teaching and research contracts and a mindful son. I trust that progress = happiness and that streamlining progress lies in better sensemaking.
This website is my ship of Theseus, a playground to organize my philosophy, grow as a communicator, and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
For more info, check my CV.
Besides developing this website, I research Enhancing Audio Description at the University of York and draft funding applications to help continue my work with brain-computer music interfaces to support sensemaking practices. After three years of teaching the Navigating the Digital World module at the University of Essex, I am now a visiting fellow there.
My main focus in the last few years has been on using rhythm to induce and maintain altered states of consciousness, primarily an eyes-closed deep state that I hypothesize could be similar to what literature calls the DMT state, hyperspace, or the shamanic state of consciousness. I am interested in many other things, such as mental health, meditation, brain-computer interfacing, music and sound design for films, personal knowledge management systems, web design, animal rights, and keeping myself and my family healthy through optimizing diet and exercise. Is it a good idea to explore all these interests on a single website? Let's see. I will start publishing on September 24.
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